VEX IQ Robotics Competition Tournament Ranking Calculations

During a VEX IQ Robotics Competition (VIQRC) tournament, team rankings are automatically updated by the VEX Tournament Manager software based on scores from matches in the Qualification round. VIQRC teams are ranked based on their average scores in qualification matches, then paired in Finals alliances based on their Qualification rankings; the two top-scoring teams form an alliance, then the 3rd & 4th teams, etc., until the number of alliances set for the event has been reached.

Team Ranking Calculations for Qualifying Matches

VEX IQ Robotics Competition teams are ranked based on their average scores in Qualification matches, and every team is ranked based on the same number of Qualification matches.

A certain number of each team’s lowest Qualification match scores will be excluded from the ranking calculations based on the total number of Qualification matches per team at the event.

  • 1 score is dropped if the total number of matches is 4-7 per team
  • 2 scores are dropped if the total number of matches is 8-11 per team
  • 3 scores are dropped if the total number of matches is 12-15 per team
  • 4 scores are dropped if the total number of matches is 16+ per team

Ties in Qualification match ranking are broken by:

  1. Removing each team’s lowest score and comparing the new average scores.
  2. Removing each team’s next-lowest score and comparing the new average score (on through all scores).
  3. If the teams are still tied, those teams will be sorted by random electronic draw.

Team Ranking Calculations for Finals Matches

VEX IQ Robotics Competition Finals matches are played sequentially, starting with the lowest-ranked alliance. Each alliance will participate in one Finals match. The alliance with the highest Finals match score is the Teamwork Challenge champion. 

  • Alliances are ranked by their Finals Match score. The highest-scoring alliance is in first place, the second-highest-scoring alliance is in second place, etc.
  • Ties for first place will result in a series of tiebreaker Finals matches, starting with the lower-seeded alliance. The alliance with the highest tiebreaker Finals match score will be declared the Teamwork Challenge champion.
    • If the tiebreaker Finals match scores are tied, the alliance with the higher Match Stop Time will be declared the winner.
    • If the Match Stop Time is also tied, a second series of tiebreaker Finals matches will be played. If this second series of tiebreaker Finals Matches is also tied, then the higher-seeded alliance will be declared the winner.
  • If there is a tie for a place other than first, the higher-seeded alliance will receive the higher rank.

Other Ranking Factors


A robot or a student member of the team must report to the field for the team’s assigned match. If no student team members report to the field, the team will be considered a “no-show” and receive zero (0) points for the match. The other team in the alliance will still play and receive points for the match.


A team that is Disqualified in a Qualification match receives zero (0) points for the match. The other team in the alliance will still receive points for the match. In Finals Matches, Disqualifications apply to the whole alliance, not just one team. An alliance that is Disqualified in a Finals match will receive zero (0) points.

Extra Matches for Schedule Balance

In some cases, a team will be asked to play an additional Qualification match to allow each team at the event to be ranked for the same number of events. The extra match will be identified on the match schedule with an asterisk and will not impact the team’s ranking.