REC Foundation Acronyms
AP | Autonomous Point (V5RC & VURC) |
AWP | Autonomous Win Point (V5RC & VURC) |
CAB | Coach Advisory Board |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CCE | Commitment to Coach Excellence |
CEE | Commitment to Event Excellence |
DORO | Director of Regional Operations |
DQ | Disqualification |
EP |
Event Partner |
Event Partner Advisory Board |
GDC | Game Design Committee |
GP | Girl Powered |
NGF | Northrop Grumman Foundation |
RECF | Robotics Education & Competition Foundation |
RSM | Regional Support Manager |
Regional Support Specialist |
SAB | Student Advisory Board |
SP | Strength of Schedule Point (V5RC, VAIRC, & VURC) |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics |
TM | Tournament Manager, the software that runs all aspects of the competition |
V5 | VEX V5 metal robotics platform, used with V5RC, VAIRC, and VURC |
V5RC | VEX V5 Robotics Competition, for middle school (15 and younger) and high school (19 and younger) students |
VAIRC | VEX AI Robotics Competition, for high school and collegiate students |
VEX | Not an acronym! Just a cool name. We get asked this a lot. |
VURC | VEX U Robotics Competition, for collegiate students |
VGOC | VEX GO Competition, for grades 3-5 |
VIQRC | VEX IQ Robotics Competition, for elementary school (12 and younger) and middle school (15 and younger) students |
V5RC | VEX V5 Robotics Competitions, including the programs and competitions for all platforms and age groups |
VUAB | VEX U Advisory Board |
WP | Either Win Point (most V5RC, VAIRC, & VURC competitions) or Win Percentage (replaces Win Points in leagues) |