Acronyms to Know

REC Foundation Acronyms

AP Autonomous Point (V5RC & VURC)
AWP Autonomous Win Point (V5RC & VURC)
CAB Coach Advisory Board
CAD Computer Aided Design
CCE Commitment to Coach Excellence
CEE Commitment to Event Excellence
DORO Director of Regional Operations
DQ Disqualification

Event Partner


Event Partner Advisory Board

GDC Game Design Committee
GP Girl Powered
NGF Northrop Grumman Foundation
RECF Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
RSM Regional Support Manager


Regional Support Specialist
SAB Student Advisory Board
SP Strength of Schedule Point (V5RC, VAIRC, & VURC)
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TM Tournament Manager, the software that runs all aspects of the competition
V5 VEX V5 metal robotics platform, used with V5RC, VAIRC, and VURC
V5RC VEX V5 Robotics Competition, for middle school (15 and younger) and high school (19 and younger) students
VAIRC VEX AI Robotics Competition, for high school and collegiate students
VEX Not an acronym! Just a cool name. We get asked this a lot.
VURC VEX U Robotics Competition, for collegiate students
VGOC VEX GO Competition, for grades 3-5
VIQRC VEX IQ Robotics Competition, for elementary school (12 and younger) and middle school (15 and younger) students
V5RC VEX V5 Robotics Competitions, including the programs and competitions for all platforms and age groups
VUAB VEX U Advisory Board
WP Either Win Point (most V5RC, VAIRC, & VURC competitions) or Win Percentage (replaces Win Points in leagues)