All definitions from “The Game” section of the manual apply to the Robot Skills Challenge, unless otherwise specified.

Driving Skills Match – A Driving Skills Match consists of a sixty-second (1:00) Driver Controlled Period. There is no Autonomous Period. Teams can elect to end a Driving Skills Match early if they wish to record a Skills Stop Time.

Autonomous Coding Skills Match – An Autonomous Coding Skills Match consists of a sixty-second (1:00) Autonomous Period. There is no Driver Controlled Period. Teams can elect to end an Autonomous Coding Skills Match early if they wish to record a Skills Stop Time.

Robot Skills Match – A Driving Skills Match or Autonomous Coding Skills Match.

Skills Stop Time – The time remaining in a Robot Skills Match when a Team ends the Match early.

  1. If a Team does not end the Match early, they receive a default Skills Stop Time of 0.
  2. The moment when the Match ends early is defined as the moment when the Robot and Balls have come to a rest and the Driver provides the agreed upon visual and audio signal to the Referee. See <RSC10> for more details.
  3. If a Tournament Manager display is being used for field control, then the Skills Stop Time is the time shown on the display when the Match is ended early (i.e., in 1-second increments).
  4. . If a manual timer is being used that counts down to 0 with greater accuracy than 1-second increments, then the time shown on the timer should be rounded up to the nearest second. For example, if the Robot is disabled and the timer shows 25.2 seconds, then the Skills Stop Time should be recorded as 26.