Commitment to Coach Excellence

The intent of the REC Foundation Commitment to Coach Excellence (CCE) is to communicate the partnership and expectations between the REC Foundation and Coaches. The ultimate goal is to provide teams with high-quality, consistent, and safe access to student-centered learning and application experiences throughout REC Foundation programs. This agreement is between the REC Foundation, the Regional Support Manager (RSM) who provides support for the event region, and a volunteer Coach who supports a registered REC Foundation competition team and may serve as a registered contact for that team.

If you have any questions or concerns about the expectations included in the CCE, please contact your RSM. All documents referenced can be found in the REC Library.

The REC Foundation and the RSM who provides support for the event region agree to:

  1. Abide by the REC Foundation Youth Protection Policy.
  2. Abide by the REC Foundation Code of Conduct.
  3. Abide by the specific program’s REC Foundation Student Centered Policy.
  4. Provide resources to help Coaches become more effective in participating in REC Foundation programs.
  5. Share official REC Foundation documents and policies via links to the REC Library.
  6. Provide regular communication with an organization's registered Coaches regarding season updates, including notification of Game Manual updates, registration dates/deadlines, Qualifying Criteria, Guide to Judging, Certifications, training, and any program changes Coaches should be aware of that are appropriate to the specific program.
  7. Assist Coaches in understanding the REC Foundation Organizational Policy when registering teams each season.
  8. Assist Coaches and schools with access to and management of Team accounts in RobotEvents.

As a Coach for teams participating in REC Foundation programs, I agree to:

  1. Abide by the REC Foundation Youth Protection Policy.
  2. Abide by the REC Foundation Code of Conduct.
  3. Abide by the specific program’s REC Foundation Student Centered Policy.
  4. Abide by the REC Foundation Organizational Policy and maintain accurate records of the Primary Coach, Secondary Coach, and Financial/Administrative Contacts for all teams in RobotEvents.
  5. Adhere to and promote all rules with regard to game play and event policies that are appropriate to the specific program recognizing that the REC Foundation cannot interpret or overturn these rulings during or after an event.
  6. Complete the program-specific REC Foundation Coach Certification Course within the first year of participation, if available.
  7. Distribute the Game Manual, Student Centered Policy, Code of Conduct, Guide to Judging, Qualifying Criteria and other applicable documents that are appropriate to the specific program to anyone associated with my team(s).
  8. Ensure parents and team members address any team or event-related concerns with the Primary Coach; if at an event, the Primary Coach will take concerns related to the event to the Event Partner.
  9. Be responsible for the conduct of everyone associated with my team(s), including students and parents.
  10. Seek assistance from my RSM with questions or concerns.